Wednesday, July 14, 2010

First day of 40hr Hazwoper training

Today I’m starting the required class to start working on the oil skimming boats, this class is necessary for any of the jobs that come in contact with oil. I was contacting people right and left last week trying to volunteer my help, Bp wasn’t so receptive, and all of the classes semed to cost $$$, sure the return can be great at 200$ a day, but I’m an unemployed college student so my purse strings are pretty much vacuum sealed. Miraculously one of my dad’s friends has one of the ‘activated’ boats (a term used for the independently contracted boats approved by Bp to start oil spill clean-up) and so I’m being sponsored to attend the class! I’m so thankful because instead of paying to attend, I’m being paid to learn and be out there doing something to help the environment.

After calling Bp hotlines and registering to volunteer last Wednesday, I started to get slightly perturbed that my help wasn’t as welcomed as I thought it was going to be; however, after talking with several of the local boat workers, I soon realized that Bp is weary of volunteers because there is a huge risk in having people come in contact with oil, so if you’re not trained by one of the Hazwoper classes and OSHA certified then the closest you’re going to get is beach clean-up. The class I’m starting today is in Mobile, Alabama.

I’m staying in Pensacola, Florida for the next two months from Los Angeles, California, so I’ll be doing my best to give updates on the local happs. Below is some freq. asked questions about the training course. PS——- Be weary of scams, I woke up at 6 am last Friday, Florida time, which is 4 am Los Angeles time and drove to the Bay Breeze Inn at 51 Gulf Beach Hwy just to find that nobody was there to train the attendees. That particular course I found posted on craigslist and it was flagged shortly after.

Q: What are HAZWOPER training courses?
A: HAZWOPER is a federal government occupational health and safety standard that pertains to the hazardous waste operations as well as emergency response. To develop and implement a safety and health program, a proper training is recommended or required for the workers expose to hazardous materials.

Q What kind of courses is there for HAZWOPER training ?
A: There are 40 HOUR HAZWOPER training, 24 HOUR HAZWOPER training course, 8 hour annual HAZWOPER training referesher course and HAZWOPER first reponder awareness Level.

Q: What must I do to get the OSHA 40 hr HAZWOPER certification?
A: You must complete the entire 40 hour hazwoper course to get the HAZWOPER certificate.

Q: How do I know I need the OSHA HAZWOPER training course?
A: The OSHA HAZWOPER training courses are applicable for five groups of employers and their employees. People who are expose (or potentially) to the hazardous substances needs these HAZWOPER training course compulsory. If you belong to any of the group below then, you may need the OSHA HAZWOPER training courses.

1. Clean-up operations as required by the government body conducted at the uncontrollable hazardous waste sites
2. Emergency response operations for release of substantial threats or hazardous substances
3. Voluntary clean-up operations at sites tag as uncontrolled hazardous waste-sites by the government body
4. Corrective actions for clean-up operations
5. Operations relating to hazardous wastes